

Working with Tracey was an incredible experience. 

She helped me process my emotions related to childlessness and limiting beliefs. She explained her coaching process clearly and made sure I understood the techniques she would be using to support me on my healing journey.

During one of my sessions, Tracey facilitated a powerful forgiveness exercise that allowed me to let go of some past traumas that were holding me back. She created a safe and supportive space for me to explore my emotions, and I felt so comfortable being vulnerable with her. As a result of the exercise, I experienced a profound sense of healing and relief.

Tracey was always sensitive to my needs and checked in with me regularly, ensuring our sessions were focused on the issues that were most important to me. Her ability to hold space with compassion and understanding was truly remarkable.

I am so grateful for Tracey's guidance and support, and I would highly recommend her coaching services to anyone looking for a skilled and compassionate coach to help them navigate life's challenges.

Sindy K.


There are some people in my life that I feel like I was destined to meet. 

Usually these people turn out to be part of a powerful change in my life; Tracey is certainly one of them. Coming to benefit from Tracey’s vast healing abilities feels like I struck Gold. As a therapist I know how important it is to make people feel seen and known. I feel completely safe and cared for in Tracey’s presence. I’m wildly impressed with her knowledge and even more so by her deep intuition. I would recommend Tracey as a healer, a catalyst for beautiful and powerful change, to anyone."



Her attention to detail and dedication to my care felt both personal and professional.

I first started seeing Tracey Steady while experiencing a severe ulcerative colitis flare up which had been terribly mismanaged by my lack of health insurance and the extent of time I allowed it to persist. I was 17 pounds under weight (a dangerous 86 lbs) and physically and emotionally paralyzed by my fears and realities of fecal incontinence. In fact during our first session I refused to allow her to needle me, asking for an herbal consult only. Over the next 15 weeks she was able to stabilize my symptoms of fatigue, frequency, control and pain through weekly acupuncture treatments and a stead fast herbal regiment. I was able to get back to a healthy weight and endured the natural progression of life’s stresses (several family illnesses and a death) with grace and health. Her attention to detail and dedication to my care felt both personal and professional.

Erika, 32 years old


I have worked with Tracey several times.

Each time, I have been impressed by how she shows up with complete focus and amazing compassion and empathy for whatever the client is working through. The Breakthrough process with Tracey was impactful in ways that I couldn’t have predicted and quite literally enabled me to resolve trauma responses and release limiting decisions that I had been dealing with and carrying for most of my life. It isn’t possible to make a strong enough recommendation for working with Tracey to make impactful changes in your life.

Faith Koltak, Denver, CO


I am extremely grateful and relieved.

I am a 50 year old woman who has been struggling with an irregular and extremely heavy period for 39 years. Since being treated by Tracey Steady my periods are every 28 days and my flow is the lightest and most manageable that it has ever been! I am extremely grateful and relieved.



I highly recommend Tracey. 

She is an intuitive, kind and compassionate life coach. In just a few sessions she helped me identify my triggers and create new strategies to change lifelong habits.  Tracey's support has given me the confidence and belief that I needed to create the life I desire. I am forever grateful to her.

Laura Sterling, Calgary, Canada


OMG I love this woman…

From the moment we started our sessions together I could just feel her love and support. She is always so patient, understanding and encouraging even when I’m erratic and just want to quit.

I can’t count the number of times when I would be so up in my head and just all over the place and she just keeps holding space for me and guiding me oh so effortlessly through the process.

Her intuitive skills are beyond incredible it’s like she’s in my head pulling out everything that needs to be said at just the right moment for those subtle ah ha moments that bring so much clarity and honestly a sense of peace.

Tracey continues to guide and encourage me down this winding road and with each road block she continues to support me with her loving touch.

I can’t even express how grateful I am for her as she has been such a tremendous stepping stone in my journey of healing my past so that I can step into my greatness and show up as the woman I’m meant to be.

Candace Burkart, Saskatoon, SK


I couldn’t be more grateful for, and impressed with, the treatment I have received from Tracey.

When Tracey first began treating me, I was struggling with an array of symptoms which western medicine wasn’t able to address successfully at all. These included; the recurrence of childhood migraines, chronic neck and shoulder pain, inflamed joints, chronic exhaustion, and perimenopausal hormonal chaos. I was fairly miserable and frightened to say the least.

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine have worked a more than minor miracle in my life. Tracey is the most sensitive and thoughtful diagnostician and practitioner I could have possibly imagined working with, and under her care I have been improving steadily for the past 18 months. She has quite literally helped me rebuild my health from the ground up.

Acupuncture was able to provide almost instantaneous relief from the worst of the chronic pain and headaches. Rebuilding all the systems in my body which were so stressed and exhausted that they were literally verging on collapse has, of course, taken a while longer, but the improvement has been wonderfully encouraging to experience very day. I couldn’t be more grateful for, and impressed with, the treatment I have received from Tracey.


Tracey has supported me in many ways over the time that I have known her, both in times of physical and emotional need as well as in times of physical and emotional triumph.

Her grounded demeanor and expertise has helped to comfort, strengthen, and guide me in the face of life’s challenges. I know through personal experience and talking with others that Tracey goes above and beyond to find ways to meet people where they are at and help put them on a path to healing through the healing arts that she practices.


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© Dr. Tracey Steady Hardcastle

Instagram @drsteadyhardcastle